March 18, 2021

 Well, we are back in chilly Iowa. We got up early this morning to get to the airport for our 8:00 flight. Returning the rental car was a heck of a lot easier than renting it! We got through check in and security relatively easy! Our bag broke and Mom bought us some zip ties to help secure the bag for the trip home. Unfortunately, somewhere between the elevator of rental car to the check in gate we lost the zip ties so we had to tie it with a luggage tag and pray for the best. When we got to our gate someone said “Clarke Osceola in Iowa?” (They recognized the maroon on Thom’s sweatshirt and his Osceola hat. Turns out it was two of my Clarke students and their family. They were headed back on the same flight as us! 

The flight was a little rough. Between being tired and Rocky constantly wanting to move it was a struggle. Teddy did great on the flight. 

We got our baggage with ease then waited for the hotel shuttle to pick us up. We were on the same shuttle to the same hotel with the other Clarke family. When we arrived we found we parked near each other! 

Before the drive home we stopped at Sonic and filled up with gas. We’re driving now to meet Laurie to get Penny. We are so thankful Laurie and Lynn are willing to watch her while we’re gone. The boys are both getting some much needed naps in while we drive! We just crossed the state border into Iowa. One step closer to home! 

Until next time, Florida—cheers! 


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