March 16, 2021

Pool day!! We slept in a bit this morning after our long day yesterday! Once I got up and moving Mom and I took the boys to the playground. The slides were still a little wet, but the boys didn't care! They played in the volleyball sand and went down the slide a few times before we decided to head to the activities center.

Mom brought a couple dollars so she got 3 tokens.  Teddy played a race car game, a motorcycle game and the last coin was to try and get a ball with the claw. I am proud to say I got it on the first try!

We then ran around the mini golf course before heading back to the room to get our swimming suits on. We played on the splash pad and went in the pool. For lunch I brought down some leftover UNOs pizza and it was quickly devoured. Rocky found new independence with jumping in the pool and Teddy let him borrow his life jacket.  

Once nap time rolled around Dad went back and took a nap too while the boys napped so Thom, Mom and I took advantage of the absolute beautiful weather. We made some new friends at the pool and soaked in the sun.  

After the boys woke up they joined us at the pool again. Teddy made a little friend named Maddy. It was cute to listen to their little conversations. 

We wanted to sneak in one last game of Catan before the night was through so we ordered some BBQ from Smokey Bones BBQ. We hd a few issues ordering and the food not being delivered, but when Thom and Dad finally picked it up, it was very good.  Mom won the last game of Catan and they headed out the door to catch their flight.

Tomorrow will be a fun last day at Disney in the sun! 



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