March 14, 2021

 What an early morning!!! When I booked our 6:00am flight I didn't think about Daylight Savings Time. I woke up early at 3:20am and we received our wake up call at 3:40am. After Thom ran the pack-and-play out to the van we joined the 4:00am shuttle to the airport.  The boys were so good on the shuttle. We got right through check in and security at the Kansas City Airport--boy, I love that airport! We found a little shop with yogurt and muffins and enjoyed some breakfast.

I was so hopeful that the boys would sleep on the airplane, unfortunately, I was wrong.  They really did do a great job. The plane was full of other children so our boys looked like angels. There was some turbulence and I got Rocky to sleep for about 5 minutes, but other than that we played with cell phones and iPads.  After we landed, as we were taxiing, Teddy announced "Mom, when you get old I'll take care of you!" Bless his little heart! All the people around us said "awww!"

After we landed we went to get our baggage. Ours was the first bag on the baggage claim! Thom saw it and ran to grab it before it had to go back around. We were making AMAZING timing and thought we would arrive at the condo so much earlier than expected---until we saw the rental car line.

The rental car line went outside the roped area, across the terminal area and almost outside.  Thom asked people how long people had been waiting and some people said hours! We had already pre-paid and couldn't get our money back so it looked like we would be waiting in that line! Rocky and I walked around a lot and Teddy played on a cell phone. After one loop around the area Rocky and I came back and found Teddy was asleep laying on our baggage! Poor kid was so tired!

After 1.5 hours we got to the counter and got our car.  We then had to go find our car---where we found another line to get the car seats! 

Finally, over 2 hours after getting off the plane we were finally on our way to the condo. Rocky took a little nap on the way to the condo.  

Once we arrived we met Mom and Dad poolside where Mom and ordered lunch for us. We enjoyed lunch and then it was nap time.....or so we thought! Rocky, decided it was not nap time and continued to scream.  I was enjoying some time in the sun by the pool when Thom called.  I decided to get Rocky's swimming suit on and we enjoyed the pool and splash pad.

At about 4:00 the tiredness hit me so I decided to take a little nap while Mom watched the boys.  After awhile we all got our suits on and enjoyed some pool time! Teddy practiced jumping into the pool! He went under a couple times- he sure didn't like it, but was brave. 

As tradition goes, we ordered UNOS pizza for dinner. It is pi day (3.14) so we were able to get a small cheese pizza for $3.14.  When Dad went to pick it up they had made it a deep dish pizza instead of a thin crust, not a big deal, but they decided to make a new thin crust one. So we got to keep the deep dish too. Then because he had to wait they threw in free brownies! What great customer service! 

Dinner time was enjoyed by all- Rocky started to fall asleep in the highchair! After dinner Teddy colored, Rocky went to bed and we played Catan.

It was an amazing day. Beautiful weather--81 and sunny! No one got sunburned and everyone is having a great time--what an awesome start to vacation!  
