March 13, 2021

 We left for Kansas City around 4:45 last night.  We reserved a hotel room close to the airport that also had parking so we could keep the van there. Typically it takes about 2 hours to get to Kansas City, however we had to make 2 stops for Teddy to go to the bathroom and picked up McDonalds along the way.  When we arrived at the Fairfield Inn we were given a room on the third floor and found a good parking spot.  By the time we arrived it was time for the boys to go to bed however they were SO excited that there was no way that was happening. Teddy was bouncing from bed to bed and Rocky was screaming and running around. We knew it would be a challenge to get everyone to sleep at a decent time, but hadn't thought through how we would actually set up the room. We ended up putting Rocky's pack and play blocking the door and then Teddy had his own bed. To try and help us calm down we watched half of the Lorax.  The boys were both asleep by 9:30!
